Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S1E01: The Red Serpent
S2E01: Fugitivus
S3E01: Enemies of Rome
Last appearance S3E10: Victory
Profession Roman Auxillary
Gladiator (House of Batiatus)
Escaped Slave
Rebel Leader (Rebel King)
Race Thracian
Relationships Sura (Wife, deceased)
Thracian Elder (Comrade, deceased)
Drenis (Comrade, deceased)
Byzo (Comrade, deceased)
Varro (Best Friend, deceased)
Crixus (Rival/Friend, deceased)
Mira (Lover/Friend, deceased)
Aurelia (Friend, deceased)
Quintus Lentulus Batiatus (Dominus/Enemy, deceased)
Gannicus (Rival/Friend, deceased)
Agron (Best Friend)
Duro (Friend, deceased)

Pietros (Friend, deceased)
Ilithyia (Enemy, deceased)
Ilithyia's son (Son, deceased)
Gaius Claudius Glaber (Legatus/Archenemy, deceased)
Donar (Friend, deceased)
Oenomaus (Doctore/Mentor, deceased)
Nasir (Friend)
Lucius Caelius (Advisor, deceased)
Naevia (Friend, deceased)
Sanus (Friend, deceased)
Castus (Friend, deceased)
Laeta (Former Prisoner/Lover)
Marcus Licinius Crassus (Enemy)
Gaius Julius Caesar (Enemy)
Heracleo (Ally/Enemy, deceased)

Status Succumbed to Wounds Inflicted by Marcus Licinius Crassus' Men
Actor/Actress Andy Whitfield (Season 1)
Liam McIntyre (Season 2, Season 3)

Spartacus (real name unknown) is a Thracian warrior who becomes a famous Gladiator in the Arena, later to build a legend upon himself during the Third Servile War. For the first season, he served as a gladiator in Batiatus' Ludus under the direction of Doctore and rivaled the then-Champion of Capua Crixus. Later, he and many of the gladiators broke free from captivity and began an armed rebellion against Rome.

He is the title character and main protagonist of the series, rising from nothing to an arena champion, only to abandon it to fight for the freedom of all slaves. He is known as "The Thracian""The Bringer of Rain", "The Slayer of Theokoles", "The Slayer of The Shadow of Death", "The Rebel King" and "King Spartacus".


In the beginning of the series, when Spartacus was still a free man, he had long brown hair, but after becoming a slave, his head was shaved. His life as a gladiator caused him to develop a lean, muscular build, and he usually had rough facial hair. Though his hair eventually grew again, it was still styled short, and he had a distinct scar on the right side of his chest.

In Spartacus: Blood and Sand, he generally wore a leather cuirass during training sessions, although he occasionally sported gladiatorial armor made specifically for him by order of Batiatus. The primus sets warn by Spartacus differ for each special event, such as a grey metal beset with two golden embossed cobras, which he wore upon his final meeting with Sura. He is often referred to as tiny by the other gladiators.

In Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus is clothed in only protective garments around his waist while having a mostly bare upper torso adorned with wrist-guards and belts to hold further weapons and returned to using a shield. When he travels, he has a red cloak and after the fall of the arena he changes his attire to a leather cuirass and a single leather shoulder-pad.

In Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus seems to be wearing a new leather cuirass fit for a leader, with snakes embossed into the leather alongside matching leather gauntlets and greaves. He is also be seen wearing a purple cloak at times. His beard has become thicker and he is seen wielding such weapons as two-swords, an aquila, a spear and his usual gladius sword.


Spartacus is a Thracian with an undying love for his wife Sura, a woman he loves more than anything else, and would do anything for her. 

He at first defies all authority over him, only obeying once Batiatus agrees to find his wife and reunite them, presenting Spartacus with a goal to work towards. After the deal has been made, Spartacus puts all of his efforts into becoming the best gladiator to buy both his and Sura's freedom. When Sura dies in his arms, Spartacus has to find new meaning in life and finds it in the life of a gladiator, but to do this he must forget his past. At the end of Spartacus: Blood and Sand, he takes his vengeance on Batiatus for killing his wife. Soon, his successful rebellion in the ludus expands to encompass a full rebellion against the state of Rome, and Spartacus finds a new purpose in life: to free all those enslaved by Rome.

Spartacus is almost always serious in tone and speech, but has a occasion to be more affable among his friends. Following the death of his wife and everything else he was forced to endure Spartacus is left with an emptiness, something he initially believe can be filled by killing Romans. It isn't until near the end of his conflict with Crassus that he realizes that saving lives is the more important cause.

Interestingly, Spartacus rarely uses profanity in the series (a total of four times in the series, and all of them in Blood and Sand), a stark contrast to other more profane characters.

Religious Views

Spartacus' religious beliefs are a matter of debate. At certain times he seems to deny the existence of any gods, although at other times Spartacus seems to acknowledge them as presently involved in his life. At the religious Sura's request, Spartacus attempted to place his beliefs in hers, a later conversation with Mira would suggest he is an atheist though at the same time it is clear that he does believe in an afterlife. Whatever the case, Spartacus has surprised other characters, notably Varro and Batiatus, for his bold display of a nonconforming belief system with Roman paganism.

Moral Compass

Spartacus is not one to silently allow the weak to suffer. In contradiction to all of Roman culture, he sees slaves as people, of equal importance as owners. This is Spartacus' defining trait, as he cannot remain a slave and stand by silently whilst others suffer at his hand or anybody else's. However, Spartacus himself has occasionally allowed his emotions and disdain get the better of him, leading him to adopt a more ruthless disposition, especially towards Romans for all that he and his fellow slaves have suffered. When conflicted, however, Spartacus does often choose the morally right course of action or has others (Notably Gannicus and Lucius Caelius) council him to do so, lest he become the very thing he is fighting against. Though merciless towards his enemies, Spartacus does not believe in needless bloodshed and expresseses regret when innocents are harmed, which is weight he constantly carries. His moral compass, however, is something not shared by the majority in his rebellion and thus his leadership is occasionally questioned.

Combat Prowess

Before his training as a Gladiator, Spartacus was already an adept warrior, being able to utilize sword and shield with skill as well as having impeccable aim in throwing a spear. His own fighting abilities allow him to take on four gladiators at one time, even before his own training as one.

Following his gladiatorial training, Spartacus greatly develops his fighting abilities and eventually becomes the true Champion of Capua. Spartacus is skilled in multiple styles of combat and in use of a cross-section of weapons. Being able to fight with a sword and shield, single-sword, dual-swords and use of the spear, both as a weapon and projectile. He has also used an axe, cestus, hammer, aquila and is extremely proficient in unarmed combat. As a result of his extensive training, he is viewed as one of the series' top warriors, if not the best warrior in the series, capable of fighting and killing skilled enemies or in large numbers, either gladiator or Roman soldier.

Spartacus "signature techniques" are;

  • Skillfully throwing his sword at his opponent, impaling them. This technique is used more often than the second one.
    • Oenomaus taught him that throwing his sword in the arena is equal to death, so he generally throws his sword only when fighting as a Dimachaerus, leaving him with his other weapon to protect himself.
  • Jumping towards the opponent (generaly he jumps off something) and trying to stab them. He uses this move  just four times (probably due the fact that it is a difficult technique to use).

Tactical Ability

Altogether, Spartacus is a force to be reckoned with in both the arena and on the battlefield. His keen intellect and deadly skill combine to make him a true master of war. He is a skilled strategist and tactician and has knowledge of Roman strategy, having formerly served in the Roman Auxiliary under Glaber. These traits, coupled with his bold, proficient tactics have provided invaluable leadership to the rebel army, giving them an unblemished record in battle that would last, even when he met his intellectual and tactical equal, Marcus Licinius Crassus.


Spartacus was born in Thrace to his father and mother, both deceased, most likely due to the Getae. He grew up with an intense hatred for them, having seen many from his village perish from their attacks, despite the Thracians' successes in pushing them back. However, he also desired for a greater solution.

Spartacus was not born with the name Spartacus, and his true name is currently unknown. Before meeting Sura, Spartacus already held a strong fascination with women. A womanizer, he was often plagued by the reputation of having slept with many women in the villages (though his endeavors were praised by female tongue). Eventually, Sura came to his bed and the two fell in love shortly after, becoming husband and wife some time before the events of the series.

Blood and Sand



Spartacus in the Thracian Meadi Counsul.

Spartacus rises to a position of respect within his Thracian community, and when the Roman Gaius Claudius Glaber visits his village in search of help fighting his enemy Mithridates, Spartacus suggests a treaty


Spartacus as a soldier in the Roman auxillary.

that would have Glaber's army fight the Thracians' enemy, the Getae. Spartacus joined the Auxiliary to fight the Getae and Mithridates of Macedon but never makes it to Greece; Glaber betrays the Thracians and refuses to aid their hometown against the invading barbarians. When Spartacus attacks and humiliates Glaber for breaking the treaty, he and his wife are captured as slaves for vengeance and Spartacus is shipped to Capua in chains.

Whilst Sura is taken to lands unknown, Spartacus is thrown into the Capua arena games against four gladiators to be executed. To the surprise of the Roman dignitaries present, he defeats the four gladiators and gains the favor of the crowd, which prompts the ludus owner Quintus Lentulus Batiatus to buy him as a recruit to be trained in his ludus. He is named Spartacus after a Thracian king of old, as his true name is unknown to the Romans.


Spartacus proves to be a difficult recruit in the ludus. He is stubborn and will obey no man, thinking only of escaping and finding and rescuing his wife. This leads to him being humiliated and badly treated by the other gladiators. Eventually Batiatus strikes a deal and agrees to find Spartacus' wife as long as Spartacus

Spartacus as gladiator

Spartacus as a Gladiator.

trains to become a gladiator and heeds Batiatus as his master. During the training Spartacus finds a friend in fellow gladiator trainee Varro and an enemy in Crixus, the prime gladiator of the ludus and the Champion of Capua.

His first real fight in the arena (aggravated by a spur with Crixus so he can avoid fighting Varro) takes place against Crixus. Spartacus loses miserably but produces the Legends[1] (the two-fingered sign of surrender) so that he may live to fight another day and find his wife. In doing so, he loses his honor and status as a gladiator, and to regain it must fight in the Pit in brutal, lawless brawls. He excels in this, eventually regaining his status after saving the life of Batiatus.

Spartacus 500

Oenomaus trains Spartacus to fight Theokoles.

Spartacus' second fight in the arena is by Crixus' side, as they fight as one against the legendary giant, Theokoles. Despite their initial hesitance and difficulties, they find a common purpose in uniting to fight for their women. The beginning of the battle is in their favor, until Theokoles - after feigning death - gets up again. Spartacus and Crixus start to fight at cross-purposes and in doing so, Theokoles seriously wounds Crixus. Spartacus, taking advantage of Crixus' shield to propel himself into the air, delivers a fierce strike. Not giving up yet, Crixus grabs a helmet lying nearby and reflects the light into Theokoles' face, blinding him momentarily. 


Spartacus kills Theokoles.

Spartacus uses the moment, circles behind Theokoles and cripples him with a slash to his knees before decapitating him. With this victory, Spartacus rises suddenly in fame. Rain comes to the drought-ridden Capua and the people believe it a sign that Spartacus' fight against Theokoles had pleased the gods.

Champion of Capua

This marks the beginning of Spartacus being named the "Slayer of Theokoles" and the


"The Bringer of Rain".

"Bringer of Rain", crowned the new Champion of Capua and becoming a favorite in the house of Batiatus. Batiatus buys him his own personal set of gladiatorial armor and gives him a room of his own in the ludus, instead of the cell he was living in before. He also promises Spartacus the return of his wife, albeit in his service, and Spartacus eagerly awaits her, all the while planning his escape attempt for when Sura arrives. He purchases vast quantities of wine and hires prostitutes to exhaust his fellow gladiators and the ludus guards. He steals a Thracian dagger to arm himself for his escape attempt. He even drugs Doctore to avoid fighting him. However, when the caravan with Sura arrives and the driver, Aulus, is covered in blood and greatly weakened, Spartacus fears the worst and finds Sura at the very end of her life, thwarting his hopes of escaping the ludus with her. Aulus says their caravan was attacked on the road, and that there was nothing he could do. Sura dies in Spartacus' arms. While Spartacus mourns her death, Batiatus arranges his next fight, which is to be a historical fight representing a Roman's conquest over the Thracians. Spartacus is to play the Roman and will slaughter criminals dressed as Thracians. At first he refuses to fight as it is against his heritage. Worse, Spartacus attracts the rage of Batiatus when, in a fit of anger, he murders Gnaeus after learning the gladiator abused Pietros, the only person to have ever shown him kindness. Batiatus warns him that if he wants to remain Champion of Capua, he needs to stop being a Thracian and become a true



gladiator, letting go of all those ties. Spartacus is hesitant but receives inspiration from his wife in a flashback. Putting his fate in the hands of the gods, he heeds Batiatus in the end, agreeing to fight as a Roman on condition that he be allowed to battle the "Thracians" by himself as opposed to doing so as part of a "Roman" army. Batiatus is angered by this affront but agrees. He is set against six criminals who, whilst at first overpowering him, eventually all reach their end. When the sixth is at his knees, Spartacus hesitates in killing him because he sees his own face on the criminal's. He eventually decapitates the man, signifying the death of all the Thracian that was left in him and the embrace of the life of a gladiator. As he basks in the glory of his fame he screams out "I am Spartacus!". Spartacus enjoys his standing in the ludus, which is now above that of Crixus. However, his enjoyment of this special treatment comes to an end as he is forced to kill his closest friend Varro in what was only meant to be an exhibition of a gladiator fight for Numerius' birthday. This breaks Spartacus' spirit, and he

Spartacus forced to kill varro

Spartacus forced to kill his best friend, Varro.

realizes that all the comforts and respect he has gained with his success in the arena amount to nothing, as he cannot save the ones dear to him. Wounded in the exhibition with Varro and consumed with fever, both Sura and Varro come to Spartacus in a dream and reveal to him that Aulus killed Sura at Batiatus' command. With clear goals of revenge and escape, he decides that he will rise against Batiatus and "kill them all", heeding Sura's last words to him before he left their village to fight Mithridates.[2]

Spartacus begins to draw allies to his side. He quickly brings the German brothers Duro and Agron into the picture, and they convince others to join, but many of the Gauls in the ludus still follow Crixus' lead. Meanwhile, due to Glaber's grant of patronage over the ludus, Roman guards are present at all times and the gladiators are mistreated and herded like animals, fueling their resolve to revolt.


Spartacus thinking about his Vengeance.

Batiatus decides that for the celebration of Glaber's patronage, Spartacus will fight Crixus in a fight to the death. Spartacus learns that Crixus is destined to lose, as Batiatus has poisoned his food to weaken him. He tries to convince him during breaks in training, but is unsuccessful. Finally the battle comes, and the elite of Capua watch on from the balcony. Spartacus and Crixus fight as was meant, but Crixus gradually weakens. He discovers Batiatus' betrayal and decides to join Spartacus' rebels. Crixus signals his change of mind by tapping his shield when he is down, signifying Spartacus' overpowering move in the fight against Theokoles. Spartacus takes this signal and launches himself from the shield towards the balcony, thrusting his sword through the head of Sextus. He is halted from killing Batiatus by Doctore although Crixus stops the doctore. At the urging of Crixus, the former Doctore eventually relents and joins with the newly freed slaves, leaving Spartacus to hunt down Batiatus.


The rebellion is born.


The gladiators, all now following Spartacus and Crixus, destroy the household and butcher everyone in it. The gate to the villa is unlocked by Mira, who Spartacus persuaded in exchange for laying with her. The massacre reaches a climax when Spartacus meets Batiatus. Whilst they speak, Lucretia stumbles into the room, having been stabbed in the abdomen by Crixus. Batiatus calls out for his wife and Spartacus taunts him, ramming home Batiatus' false promises concerning Sura's return, before slashing Batiatus' throat open when he reaches for Lucretia. Spartacus then delivers a rousing speech (the Pro Casus Rebellionis) to the assembled survivors, before leading them from the ludus to "make Rome tremble".[3]



Spartacus fighting Seppius' men.

In the weeks following the breakout, Spartacus and his followers conduct a series of hit-and-run attacks against the city of Capua, partially to steal supplies for his men, but also to draw out Glaber in the hopes that he can be killed. To this end, he defiles his victims, carving Glaber's name into their bodies as a personal challenge. Soon enough, Glaber is forced by the Senate to come to Capua to deal with the situation, and Spartacus prepares to attack him and his men, against the counsels of both Crixus and Mira. He commands the escaped slaves to leave the city and make for the hills in the west, while he himself departs in secret to face Glaber. He also provides Varro's widow Aurelia with a pouch full of coin to make her own way back to her son and leave the Republic.

Ultimately, the


Spartacus with Mira.

gambit is a disaster. Aurelia is captured and mortally wounded by the Romans, and in his resulting outrage, Spartacus mistimes his attack, merely wounding Glaber. It is only with the surprise aid from Crixus and his men that Spartacus is retrieved from sure death at the hands for the Romans, and he returns to a fierce berating from an irate Mira and Crixus. He is then summoned to a dying Aurelia, who with her last breath makes him promise to stay away from her son, so that he will not die because of him, as she and Varro did. Grief-stricken, Spartacus agrees with Crixus that they should go south to search for Naevia , and departs Capua with the escaped slaves, planning to free enough slaves along the way to build an army to take on Glaber.


Spartacus and Crixus, the rebel leaders.

While traveling, the rebels attack a villa, killing the guards and dominus and reeing the slaves to join the army. One of the slaves, Nasir, tries to kill Spartacus for taking away his preferred life as a slave. Spartacus decides not to kill Nasir but instead train him in combat and convince him that freedom is a better life. Spartacus soon has the rebels move out after fighting off soldiers who have come to inspect the house.

The rebels later raid a cart carrying slaves to the mines. Agron and Nasir interrogate a wounded slaver about Naevia's whereabouts. After killing the slaver, Agron tells Crixus that Naevia is dead. Crixus mourns and Spartacus himself is sorry for what has happened, but nevertheless makes plans with Agron to move to Vesuvius and set up camp, which the Gauls consent to after Crixus endorses it. Mira also asks Spartacus to teach her in combat so that she will not die helplessly like Sura. Crixus later learns from Nasir that Naevia is not dead but has been sold to the mines. He attacks Agron and informs Spartacus of Agron's deceit. Agron tells Spartacus he only lied for the greater good; he does not want to go hunting in the mines at the expense of possibly the whole rebellion for Crixus' own selfish desires. Spartacus decides that they will go to the mines in search for Naevia, and Agron departs for Vesuvius with a number of other rebels, telling Spartacus to seek them out if they make it back alive. Nasir decides to go with Spartacus.

The rebels infiltrate the mines, disguised as slaves and slaveholders. They sneak underground to search for Naevia and soon find her. Their success is short-lived, as the Romans are right behind them. They chase them through to another end of the mine, where Crixus sacrifices himself to save the others. He gives Naevia over to Spartacus and attacks the guards alone, while Spartacus locks the gate to the exit and watches in horror as the guards apprehend his friend. They exit and escape into the forest.

Spartacus and his dwindling number of allies pace through the woods to Vesuvius, with the Roman soldiers in hot pursuit. The rebels are attacked by squad after squad until only Spartacus, Nasir, Mira, and Naevia are left. Nasir himself suffers from a serious wound to the chest, which slows the group down as Spartacus desperately tries to heal him. They finally reach Vesuvius, but soon see a large squad of Romans approaching from behind. Spartacus turns around to face them, but sees Agron leading what is actually the rebels in disguise. Spartacus reunites happily with his companions.

Sparty red

Spartacus as leader of the Rebels.

After apologizing to each other for their split. Spartacus and Agron lead the slaves through the woods and find a ruined temple. The owner, Lucius Caelius, is a Roman who was persecuted by other Roman nobles, and he welcomes them and informs them of the planned execution of Crixus, Oenomaus, and Rhaskos in the arena. Spartacus plans rescue, and Agron agrees to go with him this time. Spartacus and a small group of rebels infiltrate the arena through a gutter. 


Spartacus and the rebels bring down the Arena of Capua.

Just before the execution of the former gladiators is about to commence, he and Agron disguise themselves as guards and enter the arena behind Gannicus and the other gladiators to 'stand guard.' They observe the fight, and see Rhaskos fall. Meanwhile, the rest of the rebels succeed in setting a fire underground, and the arena collapses in flames, spilling thousands of spectators to their fiery deaths. Spartacus and Agron rush to aid the prisoners, killing the rest of the guards and gladiators in the arena. Spartacus eyes Glaber in the pulvinus, and throws a spear at him. Glaber dodges it, and it impales Cossutius instead. After finding Gannicus and Oenomaus, the rebels escape the ruined arena.

When they have returned to their new sanctuary, Oenomaus is in recovery. Also, Crixus and Naevia have reunited with each other once again, but Naevia's fear of what happened to her when Crixus was not there to protect her, grows. And it effects their love life. Gannicus does not want to become one of the rebels, but only wishes to have words with Oenomaus. Meanwhile, Spartacus and Agron discuss about raiding the market in Neapolis. Later though, their items needed for their plan are missing. 


Spartacus vs Gannicus.

Gannicus then comes in letting everyone know of his departure. Spartacus and everyone else assume he has stolen the items.Spartacus and Gannicus clash swords. In the background one of the freed slaves from the liberated villa, Chadara, is sneaking away. Mira sees her and grabs a bow. Though she has more to learn about it, she shoots Chadara. It appears she is the one who stole the items, including the map. She was planning to run away. Gannicus leaves, for he does not want to be a rebel, and he leaves them to their own ordeal.

Spartacus and Agron came to Neapolis to the slave market. They kill the slavers and guards and free the slaves. The slaves were Germans and Agron became their comrades. Back at the sanctuary, the new soldiers make Spartacus and Crixus grow suspicious, such as the event with Agron hunting without Spartacus and raiding a Roman cart. The new soldiers, like Sedullus, make their day at the sanctuary. Later, Sedullus tries to rape Naevia and Agron saves her. Then there is mess of fighting. Sedullus tries to kill Agron with a sword, but Spartacus saves Agron by sheering the face off Sedullus. Spartacus tells the rest of the Germans that they will either follow his orders or not count themselves as rebels. Agron supports him, and the Germans subsequently pledge themselves to Spartacus.

Soon after Gannicus surprises Spartacus by delivering a captured Ilithyia to the camp at Vesuvius. The motive behind this is that Gannicus wishes to see Spartacus kill Ilithyia in order to balance the scales between him and Glaber and end the conflict since so many had been killed both in combat and for conspiring to join the Rebels. At first Spartacus seems to relish this opportunity but after finding out that Ilithyia is pregnant with his child he spares her life. However, seeing how much emotion pain Spartacus is going through, Mira decides to take the matter into her own hand and makes attempt on Ilithyia's life, only for Spartacus to stop her at the last minute, forever staining their relationship.


Spartacus frees Ilithyia into the woods.

A trade is offered to the Romans for which the bargain is Ilithyia for weapons, the Romans however don't keep the bargain and attempt to ambush the rebels, with Ashur's mercenaries finally engaging the rebels. However due to the archery skills of Lucius Caelius and Mira, the rebels manage to escape albeit with the cost of Lucius' life. After this Spartacus (to everyone's surprise) releases Ilithyia in the forest commenting that he does her no favor and that since Glaber clearly holds no love for her, killing Ilithyia would not balance the scales.

In the next episode Spartacus tests the rebels by disguising himself along with Crixus and Gannicus as Romans, and the rebels unexpectedly perform very poorly. Knowing that the tension among the group is their greatest weakness Spartacus cleverly devises a plan during which the rebels share drink and fight each other on teams in which those with conflict work together. This plan is an ultimate success bringing people together such as Lugo and Nasir, Nemetes and Donar, Saxa and Mira, Crixus and Agron, and even begins to mend the relationship of Gannicus and Oenomaus. However there is not all good news as Spartacus and Mira officially end their relationship. Soon after the Romans attack under the leadership of Varinius, during which the rebels carry out their surprise attack and ultimately vanquish the group. Celebration is cut short however as Glaber then attacks with his much larger force, aided by artillery, and the rebels are forced to flee up Vesuvius. Rather than pursue them Glaber takes the strategy of starving them out.


Spartacus after Mira's death.

It does not take long for Spartacus and the Rebels to grow restless as hunger and impatience sets in. After some time Nemetes, Lugo, Saxa and a number of other Germans decide to try and break through the Romans to escape. The plan might have worked however with Ashur and the Egyptian present the group is quickly defeated. Just as the group was to be killed Spartacus, Gannicus, Crixus, Mira and a number of other rebels attack the Romans so the rest of the group can escape. Spartacus and The Egyptian very briefly engage with Spartacus kicking The Egyptian down from the higher ground. Before he can land a killing blow more Romans arrive forcing the rebels to retreat back up Vesuvius. However, during the retreat Salvius hurls an axe at Spartacus which instead hits Mira, mortally wounding her. Spartacus tries to save her by carrying her to the top of the mountain so she can be cauterized; unfortunately, she dies before he reaches the top, he is deeply hurt; and, in rage, beats Nemetes for indirectly causing her passing. He mourns the death of his former lover by wrapping her body in his cloak along with the vines of the mountain.

Ashur then treks up the mountain to discuss terms with the Rebels. The true loyalty of Spartacus' men are shown, as when offered their lives in return for Spartacus, the Rebels unanimously declared that if they are to die they will die as free men. Naevia duels Ashur and, after almost being killed, decapitates him.


Spartacus vs Glaber.

Spartacus then comes up with a plan after Nemetes comments on their not being enough vines to bury them all. The rebels fashion ropes out of the vine s and Spartacus, Gannicus, Crixus, and Agron climb down the other side of the mountain surprising the Romans and taking control of the catapults. After firing upon the Roman's camp the army gathers to attack the four men. As they march forward the rest of the rebels arrive surprising the Romans and flanking them, exploiting the weakness of the Roman's tight formation. The Romans quickly lose and are forced to go back to the temple. The rebels chase them and quickly overwhelm the decimated army. During this time Spartacus first avenges Mira by killing Salvius and then turns on Glaber. There is a brief fight and Glaber almost succeeds in killing Spartacus out of sheer rage.


Spartacus while the rebels shout his name.


Glaber is killed by Spartacus.

However Spartacus would not be denied his revenge and stabs Glaber through the stomach commenting that he is a free man. When Glaber is on his knees (discovering his rightful place), he comments that this only means that Rome would send legions in his stead and one day Spartacus will fall to a deserved end. Spartacus accepts this commenting,yet remainding he would not die this day and (with the memory of Sura flashing through his mind) plunges his sword down Glaber's throat, finally taking his well-deserved vengeance.

Spartacus then tells the Rebels that they have triumphed and they shall let Rome send their legions. They would face them and see all follow Glaber in death. The rebels cheer victory, he then embraces Crixus and tells him that the time has finally come to transform their group of rebels into an army capable of threatening Rome itself, while the rebels continue to claim Spartacus.

War of the Damned

Following the Battle of Vesuvius, Spartacus liberates the Mines and other Roman territories to increase his numbers. 


Spartacus in field of Battle.

As the months pass, Spartacus' army grows to thousands. His numbers and superior skill overcome Praetor Cossinius and his tribune, Furius, causing them to retreat. News of this defeat causes the Senate to grow increasingly worried, summoning Marcus Crassus to lend his forces in the endeavor.

Spartacus continues to be a strong leader, although he is unaware of the dire situation that is happening around the rebel's camp and also how the rebels and escaped slaves begin viewing him as a "god", while some also express slight contempt.


The Rebel Leaders.

His mind is constantly on defeating the Romans at any cost and although he has successfully killed Batiatus and Glaber, his heart remains empty at the loss of Sura and so his resolve continues to be that of ending slavery in Rome forever.

Spartacus soon discovers that Romans drawn near the Rebel encampment. He executes an ambush for the few men, whom are revealed to be messengers. He learns that Marcus Crassus leads a force of 10,000 soldiers. He also learns that Cossinius and Furius have retreated into a villa nearby. 


Spartacus Kills Cossinius and Furius.

With this knowledge, Spartacus launches a plan to invade the villa at night with Crixus, Gannicus and himself, while his main force lures out Cossinius' surviving forces. The plans proves to work flawlessly as Spartacus and the others invade the villa, slaying all of Cossinius' forces until finally reaching Cossinius and Furius themselves. Denying any terms of surrender, Spartacus executes the two men. Following the defeat of Cossinius, Spartacus intends to prepare for the upcoming winter and the arrival of Crassus' forces. Knowing that no villa can house the numbers of his army for the winter, he readies his forces for an invasion of a Roman city.



Spartacus dreased as a Roman speaking to Laeta.

is next seen having summoned Diotimos. He collects information from him on Sinuessa. He, Crixus and Gannicus arrive at the entrance of the city in robes. The three Rebels witness a slave being stoned in the city, and Spartacus ends his life quickly to spare him any more pain. This act earns him the suspicion of Laurus. He, Crixus and Gannicus visit Attius, a blacksmith who Spartacus recruits to forge weapons at great expense. Spartacus is later seen wandering Sinuessa taking a particular interest in the city's holdings of grain. Here he encounters Laeta and her husband. Laeta later comes to his defence when he is questioned as to his motives by Laurus. Following the discovery of a curfew in force within Sinuessa, Spartacus and Gannicus force Attius to assist them in the opening of the main gate. They are ultimately successful, and forces led by Crixus and Agron flood the city. Spartacus kills the Aedile before he could set the grain on fire in attempt to keep out of rebellious hands. He then announces that Sinuessa is now theirs. Spartacus mana


Spartacus and Laeta.

ges the rebels newly found home and ensures that captive Romans are fed and unharmed. Agron voices concern to Spartacus that they shouldn't waste what little food they have on the Romans. Ships are later spotted outside of Sinuessa. Spartacus meets Heracleo, a Cilician Pirate who had secret dealings with Ennius, the Aedile and Laeta's husband. When Spartacus reveals that he ended the Aedile's life, Heracleo revealed that he requires the Aedile's seal in order to provide the city with grain. Spartacus enlists the help of a reluctant Laeta to help reveal the seal of the Aedile. Later that night, Spartacus agrees terms with Heracleo that they shall meet just outside city walls where Spartacus will present coin, and Heracleo will present grain. Spartacus, Gannicus, Crixus and Agron meet with Heracleo and his pirates and come to a standoff when negotiations turn sour. However, both rebel and pirate alike are ambushed by a Roman force led by Tiberius Crassus. Heracleo proves his good intentions by bombarding the Romans with fireballs from his ships, ultimately causing them to fall into disarray and retreat. Spartacus orders Heracleo to take coin and sail into port.

Spartacus War of the Damned – Spoils of War

Spartacus meeting a new "Ally".

Heracleo is delivering what little grain he has managed to get his hands on to the rebel occupied Sinuessa. He tells Spartacus how much of the grain has been stowed away by the Romans in advance of the winter. More escaped slaves arrive at Sinuessa's gate and are granted access provided they show their mark. When Spartacus is attacked by Romans at the gate, a man comes to his aid. This man, unbeknownst to Spartacus is Julius Caesar. After giving his thanks and ordering the Roman heads to be placed on spikes. Agron shadows Spartacus in light of recent events to ensure no harm comes to him. Spartacus visits Laeta who tells of him of Crassus' impressive accomplishments. Spartacus then realizes that Crassus had led him to the death of Cossinius and Furius, as part of the Imperator's plan to seize command of the Roman armies. Spartacus is later seen discussing an unknown topic with Heracleo when he is interrupted by Castus and Nasir who tell him that Crixus and the others are slaughtering the captive Romans. Spartacus arrives just in time to prevent Crixus from killing Laeta. Spartacus and Crixus have a brief standoff, before Spartacus warns him not to make further attempt against his will.


Spartacus, deciding whether or not to kill Laeta.

Spartacus is next seen with Agron and they discuss the tense relationship now forming between him and Crixus. Spartacus takes to the docks where he meets with Gannicus, LugoSanus and Saxa who will journey with him aboard Heracleo's ship to Cicilia, to make attack on Crassus' grain supply. Spartacus expresses his annoyance at the fact Heracleo will not travel with him, given the amount of coin the Cilician was paid. During the sea journey, Spartacus recounts to Gannicus that the last time he was on the sea was when he was first taken captive by the Romans. The group of Rebels reach Cicilia and attack a Roman party, slaughtering them all and taking their grain. When Spartacus returns to city walls, he discovers Crixus mustering the Rebel forces to attack Roman scouts seen on the hill outside the city. He admonishes Crixus and states that he intends the free the remainder of the Roman prisoners. After seeing the Roman prisoners including Laeta safely


"Blood Brothers".

from the city, Spartacus, Agron and Gannicus fill Crixus in on their strategic plan against Crassus and his legions. As night falls, Spartacus puts his plan into action, however, Heracleo arrives late and absent Sanus. Heracleo betrays Spartacus and reveals that he has brought Roman soldiers aboard his ship back to the city. Caesar seizes the opportunity and literally stabs Spartacus in the back. A fierce battle ensues as Spartacus and Gannicus face the Roman Soldiers. Crixus arrives with other Rebels just in time to finish them off. Spartacus later spots Roman ships heading towards the city and demands that everybody flee to the Ridge.


Spartacus And Crassus meet for the first time.

Spartacus kills more Romans who are now freely invading the city. He has a brief standoff with Crixus over their next course of action which is only interrupted when Gannicus offers to cause a distraction, to allow the Rebels to escape through the northern gate. Reluctantly, Spartacus allows this and leads the others away. As he is hurrying the Rebels through the northern gate, Crassus' forces attack them and after a brief battle, Spartacus kills more Romans and barely manages to escape the city but not before meeting Crassus face to face.

When Gannicus escapes the city and returns to the Ridge, Spartacus reveals that Crassus had always intended to trap them on the ridge, as the Imperator has constructed a trench and a wall to bar them in.


Spartacus argues with Crixus.

The situation is dire as temperatures plummet on the Ridge. Crassus' army assembles on the Ridge, and Crixus wishes to attack them, Spartacus cautions him against it. Spartacus devises a plan for a small group to attack and hopefully kill the Imperator, stating that Crassus has become "overly bold". That night, a small force led by Spartacus manage to penetrate Crassus' poor defences and gain entry to his tent. They discover Donar's crucified body and no sign of Crassus. They realize it has been a set-up and Naevia is injured in the escape back to the Rebel encampment. After visiting a recovering Naevia in her tent, Spartacus and Crixus enter a heated argument with each other. Crixus smashes a frozen jar of ice over Spartacus' head which causes a brawl between the two, but the fight is broke up by Agron and Gannicus.

Spartacus later prepares the camp for the frozen night to come and makes sure that everyone is sheltered. He gets close to Laeta after she convinces him that he will be warmer by doing so. Spartacus forms a new plan after the snowstorm. The Rebels kill the Roman soldiers guarding the wall that Crassus built and discover only a small number of Romans on the other side. Spartacus bridges the trench with the bodies of those who died in the previous night's storm, and the Rebels successfully defeat the Romans on the other side. When Crassus, his son and Caesar arrive to assess the situation, Spartacus surprise attacks them by hurling spears and firing arrows at them from the wall. Spartacus gives Crassus a faint smile before the Imperator falls back in retreat. The Rebels had won their first victory against Marcus Crassus. Spartacus then states that they shall see themselves far from the ridge.

The Rebel forces move further north and are constantly hindered by Roman attacks from the rear. After killing a Roman soldier, Spartacus discovers that Crassus is a mere four days march from their position. He later visits a tent within his encampment to lend support to a woman giving birth. Kore and Laeta also give aid. After discovering Kore was a former slave to Marcus Crassus himself, he angrily questions her to as to her motives threatening her with death if she does not answer him. Laeta steps in and Spartacus grants responsibility of Kore to her. Gannicus and Lugo returning from scouting to inform of many villas that could offer a plentiful supply of food nearby.

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Spartacus with Laeta before making love.

Spartacus, Gannicus Agron and Crixus meet later and it is here that Spartacus informs Crixus of his intention to cross the alps and disband their army. Spartacus and Crixus have a private heartfelt conversation in which Crixus states his intention to march on Rome. Spartacus says he will no longer stand in the way of Crixus' path. The Rebels later seize control of a villa in order to host a final celebration to Crixus and all those that will follow him to Rome, including Agron.


Brothers in this life and in the next.

During the celebration Spartacus meets up with Laeta and sees that she has return to her old self and after trading a few insults (although in a joking manner) the two kiss. But Spartacus says he can't give her his heart because she is Roman however, Laeta doesn't want that and the two make passionate love on the floor. The next morning Spartacus embraces Crixus as a brother for the final time before moving his forces towards the alps.

A small group of Rebels led by Spartacus attack a group of Pompey's men seizing their weapons and armor. Later, Spartacus and the rebels spot Naevia in the distance and hurry to her aid when she collapses from her horse. Spartacus and Gannicus learn of Crixus' demise at the hands of Tiberius, but are also concerned by the imminent return of Pompey's forces to Roman shores. Tiberius is later captured when Spartacus and a clutch of rebels disguise themselves as Pompey's soldiers.

Spartacus returns

Spartacus dorning his mantle of "Bringer of Rain" once more.

In honor of Crixus and all those that have fallen, Spartacus and the Rebels build a makeshift arena for the Rebels to watch as a select group face the captured Romans ad gladium. Spartacus once more takes up the mantle of a gladiator for this occassions. He opens to the rebel crowd by first killing the soldier, Mettius, before facing two Romans on his own. He entertains the crowd by easily besting his opponents. Spartacus then announces Gannicus to fight next, and then goes to sit with Laeta.

Spartacus and Gannicus are informed by Pleuratos of the arrival of Julius Caesar who has been sent to broker a deal with the rebels: 500 rebels for Tiberius. Spartacus halts Naevia from killing Tiberius in the makeshift arena and gives her the choice of whether to go through the deal or not. Naevia chooses to delay her vengeance in favor of the survivors. The rebels then go to hand Tiberius over to Caesar, when Kore, who had been rudely handled by Tierius, kills the son of Crassus. Spartacus is visibly angered by this but is relieved when Kore offers herself as the bargain in the exchange.

Among the surviving Rebels is Agron, who Spartacus helps back into the camp. That evening the Rebels light a pyre with Crixus' head and shield upon it. From there the rebels chant the names of the fallen before continuously chanting Crixus' name. Spartacus tells the Rebels that they will prepare for one final battle.


Spartacus and Crassus shake hands.

Spartacus realizes that all the Rebels cannot escape, and he decides that the women, children and the wounded will flee over the alps while he along with all the remaining warriors face Crassus one last time. He says his goodbyes to Laeta and all the Rebels thank him for everything he has done for them. He later meets with Crassus, who wonders if Spartacus knows that he will not win this fight and wishes to have words with his worth adversary. Spartacus answers that if that if he will lose the battle, he will at least have Crassus life before he dies. The two then shake hands and return to their own army. 

Spartacus sits in his tent staring at battle plans before moving it to reveal a map of Thrace underneath. He looks nostalgically at his homeland until Gannicus comes in to join him. They speak jokingly, remarking how they've done the impossible before but that this time it might be it. Spartacus reveals to Gannicus that he was right - that the killing of Romans isn't the rebellions cause, but saving the lives of who they could, remarking that they are all Sura and he would see them free. Gannicus smiles at this revelation and claims the rebellion now has a true cause he can embrace. Spartacus attempts again to have Gannicus take a leadership role in this battle. Gannicus is hesitant but Spartacus insists - saying it will give the non-combatant rebels more time to escape. Gannicus agrees and the two make plans. 


Spartacus in the final battle.

The battle starts as Spartacus employs several strategic maneuvers, such as spiked pits, arrows, and back-up cavalry lead by Gannicus. Eventually, though the overwhelming odds of Crassus larger army soon prove too much for the


Spartacus and Crassus clash.

rebels, as Lugo and Castus fall. Crassus advances on Spartacus by horse but, Spartacus uses his trademark move, jumping towards the Imperator and slashes Crassus who falls off his horse. Injured, Crassus retreats with some soldiers. Spartacus comands Agron to continue to draw atention from the battle, that he shall kill Crassus 

Spartacus follows and slaughters all his guards, including Rufus, one of Crassus most trusted comanders. Alone, Crassus and a now an exhausted and wounded Spartacus begin a swordfight, which is evenly matched. 


Spartacus is mortally wounded.

Crassus manages disarm spartacus from his left swords, but the rebel, exausted, still fights, remebering Sura, Varro and Mira. Spartacus manages to disarm Crassus and tires to stab him yet,  Crassus tries to use the same move as he used against Hilarus, but Spartacus uses the same maneuver and grabs the sword blade to block the Imperator's attack. While this catches Crassus by surprise, Spartacus knocks him down and just as he is about to finish Crassus off, Roman soldiers appear behind his back and throw spears at him, three in total. He collapses, and an exhausted Crassus tells the rebel leader if only Spartacus had been born a Roman, to which Spartacus replies he is glad it was not fated so. Crassus rises to deliver the killing blow, but Agron and Nasir appear and knock him off a small ridge, to which afterwards they kill the rest of the soldiers in the area and take Spartacus with them as they escape.

Spartacus final moments

Spartacus' final moments.

They then take Spartacus to the mountains, where Laeta, Sibyl and the few survivors are waiting. Spartacus asks them if every one was safe. Agron reveals that Pompey atacked them, and many were lost. Spartacus says that they must continue over the mountains in an attempt to live free. Laeta calls him but Spartacus tells him that that was not his name, he will finally once again hear his real name, spoken by his wife, at last, he speaks to Agron, telling he to not cry, due it was a victory to die as a free man, before succumbing to his injuries.


Spartacus' tomb.

After Spartacus dies, it begins to rain, thus symbolizing the end for the Bringer of Rain.He is buried with Agron's shield placed upon the ground above his final resting place, where he lies under the fated Red Serpent. 




Sura, his wife, who was the most important person known in Spartacus' life, whom he would do anything for.


Spartacus and Sura.

During his days as a womanizer in Thrace, he met Sura, and bedded with her. When they had finished, Spartacus told her to stay because if not "his heart would break" as Sura replied that she could not. After she gave her name, he tried to do the same but she stopped him because all women knew who he was, including herself. Sura also said that the Gods led her to his bed. When Spartacus asked what more she knew about him, Sura replied that "he would never love another woman." Since that moment, they fell in love and became husband and wife before the events of the series.

Spartacus then had to go war against the Getae, but his wife asked him not to, because she had a dream in which he was in front of a red serpent. She took it as a warning, if he went to war, he would be destined for " great and unfortunate things". Spartacus reassured her but still went, but when Legatus Glaber betrayed the Thracians, he was the principal leader of the insubordination. After this he went back to his village, which had been destroyed by the savages, but he managed to find Sura and escape. Unfortunately, Glaber found him and Sura, condemning him to death and Sura to slavery. In his death sentence, he was to die Ad Gladium, but when he is about to fight against the gladiators, three others appear, and Spartacus has to fight four of them. When he is about to die, he remembers words of Sura, before he went to the war, "kill them all", and he manages to kill all four gladiators in a rage state. The crowd demanded life, but Glaber managed to enslave him as a gladiator for Batiatus


Sura's final moments.

Even while enslaved, he would do whatever he  needed to see Sura back again in his arms, he makes a deal with Batiatus. If he proven capable in the arena, he would find her and return her to him. Spartacus finally proves himself, after defeating Theokeles and becoming the Champion of Capua, Sura is returned to him. But Spartacus did not wanted to see her wife as a slave, he began a plan to set both of them free, or die in the attempt. When she finally arrives, Spartacus finds the man driving the cart wounded, saying that they were attacked. He opens the cart and sees Sura nearly dead, gabs her and he share final moments together, as she dies in his arms.

Her death came as a heavy weight in Spartacus shoulders, causing him to lose his way. Yet, he remembers what Sura told him the last night they were together. That the Gods shall put him in proper path if he losses her. Spartacus after this chooses to hold to his wives beliefs, and embrace his fate and destiny as Spartacus, leaving his Thracian past. 

After Varro's death at his hands, he becomes sick, and in one of his dreams he sees Sura, that helps him to reveal the truth that Sura died because Batiatus commanded so. Spartacus therefore, he seeks vengeance. He and the gladiators escape and kill all romans, Spartacus himself kills Batiatus, and  becomes leader of the rebellion. 

Spartacus sought revenge on Glaber, who was responsible for Sura's fate. Luckily for him, The praetor was sent to end his rebellion, and in the final battle against him in Vesuvius, he avenged his wife, killing Glaber personally. 


A house-slave of Batiatus' villa who was tasked with sleeping with him but Spartacus refused her numerous times but allowed her to stay in his quarters after she informed him of her life was at stake. She repaid Spartacus for saving her by finding Varro's family which allowed Varro to reconcile, this act earned Mira some of Spartacus' trust as a result. When he found her being abused by Hector, he immediately stepped in and defended her causing her to develop some affection towards him.


Spartacus finds comfort in Mira's arms after Varro's death.

The next night, she thanked him for his actions though he shrugged her gratitude by stating he would of done so for anyone as she expressed annoyance with him and insulted him. Despite that she is shown enjoying his fight with Varro, she was very concerned for him after he was forced to kill the latter. She met him in his cell and held the crying Spartacus in his time of grief.

When Spartacus fell ill in the wake of Varro's death, Mira helped nurse him back to health and allowed him to have a private "talk" with Aulus. She expressed anger at him when he was willing to let all the slaves die in order to have vengeance on Batiatus after he learned the latter ordered his wife's death. It was not until he began to formulate his plan for vengeance where the two developed a relationship. The night before the plan, Mira promised to aid him under the condition that he would make love to her instead of just sex as she wanted to know the love he felt for his wife. Spartacus agreed to this condition and the two made love.

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Spartacus and Mira official lovers.

After the breakout the two entered into a relationship, Mira remains loyal to Spartacus and a truthful advisor along with Agron. She remains loyal and is bonded by love, with even Spartacus holding her still close to his heart. With this affection she dedicates herself to him and the cause until she is struck down by Salvius before the battle of Vesuvius. Spartacus is truly devastated by her death and violently attacks Nemetes for his reckless actions that indirectly led to Mira's murder. He wraps Mira's body in his cloak and fasten it with vines, it was the death of his lover that inspired to make ropes made of vine to scale the mountain to blindside Glaber's army. During the battle against Glaber and his forces, Spartacus would violently attack Salvius for killing Mira by brutally slamming his face into a pillar until he dies; with this act Spartacus avenged Mira's death.

During the Funeral Games for Crixus, Spartacus shouted out Mira's name to honor those who had fallen in battle.


Spartacus first met Laeta while looking for grain in Sinuessa. When the rebels attack the city, Laeta questions as to why he sided with Spartacus but became horrified that he was the man himself. Spartacus killed her husband in front of her before imprisoning her though he gave her more freedom among the hostages. In Decimation, when Crixus led the rebels in a slaughter of the prisoners, he was about to execute Laeta but Spartacus intervened. He soon learned that she hid the prisoners and questioned her over her actions after he gave her mercy. When she rebuked his words by listing the things the rebels have done, he was somewhat taken back and though urged to kill her by Crixus, he refuses and has her and the remaining hostages placed in his villa for protection. Spartacus soon released her and the prisoners as a plan to trick Crassus, this allowed the romans to leave the city.

When Crassus took the city, he condemned Laeta as a slave to Heracleo but she escaped with Gannicus and Sybil albeit wounded. Spartacus was reunited with Laeta and tended to her wounds.

Laeta & Spartacus

Laeta is seen to the medicus tent by Spartacus.

In Mors Indecepta, Laeta meets briefly with Spartacus in the medicus tent describing, in essence, her loss of faith caused by the brand Heracleo burned into her forearm. Spartacus tries to counsel her loss by saying there is no single, simple answer and that each person must find their own way past it.


Laeta sharing her blanket with Spartacus.

They meet again at the height of the storm where Laeta shares her blanket with Spartacus, telling him that she wants him to live.


Spartacus and Laeta kiss.

In Separate Paths, Laeta is told by Agron that Spartacus holds affection for her which surprises her and leaves her speechless. When the rebels have a celebration, Spartacus and Laeta have a private talk where they bicker (in a joking manner) and Spartacus sees her wounds have healed as she's back to her old self. He tells her to rejoin the party, so they could be ready for the long journey but she pulls him back making advances on him before he kisses her which she returns.


Spartacus and Laeta making love.

Spartacus then told her that because she was roman, he couldn't give her his heart but she replies it wasn't his heart she was "after". The two then proceeded to make passionate love on the floor officially becoming lovers after this encounter.

Friends and Allies


Varro was Spartacus' first friend when he arrived at the ludus. As both Spartacus and Varro were free men before coming to the ludus, they got along very well with Varro becoming his best friend in the first season. The two had a match at the party of Numerius, with both smiling after Spartacus won but this was short-lived after Numerius ordered Varro's death, Spartacus refused to comply but Varro drove the blade in his shoulder and Spartacus not wanting to see his friend in pain reluctantly finished ended his life.


Spartacus and Crixus became instant rivals the moment they met. Crixus held contempt for Spartacus and his distaste of gladiators. Their rivalry was soon inflamed when Spartacus managed to overcome him in the final test. Throughout the course of their gladiatorial career with one another, they were almost always at odds. During their fight with Theokoles, Spartacus was able to see past their rivalry to survive but Crixus' arrogance stood between them. Despite this, however, the bonds of the gladiator brotherhood brought them from rivalry upon occasion, such as Crixus saving Spartacus from Segovax and his acknowledgement that Spartacus was right about something more than glory. When they were to fight each other to the death, they agreed that whomever survive would carry out the others last wish, but Spartacus eventually managed to convince Crixus that he was meant to lose because Batiatus and Ashur had poisoned him. Crixus then joined with Spartacus and led the massacre at the ludus, with the gladiators and slaves embarking into freedom.

During the initial stages of escape, Crixus and Spartacus still hold some conflict as Crixus focuses solely on finding Naevia, who was banished from the ludus. Spartacus, however, shows true compassion for Crixus and vows to help him find her, thus forming a growing bond of friendship. As time goes on, they embrace one another as friends and comrades as they fight off against the forces of Gaius Claudius Glaber. Following the Praetor's defeat, the two embrace one another and claim to build an army that would make Rome fall.

When the Rebel Army is formed, Crixus stands beside Spartacus, Agron and Gannicus as the main leaders. Their relationship takes many turns during this time, however, as Spartacus attempts to maintain a code of morals and is a much more strategic leader as opposed to Crixus, who still holds a burning vengeance and is much more impulsive. Eventually, Spartacus relieves him of his command after Crixus spurs the Rebels into mercilessly slaughtering Roman innocents. However, following the siege of Sinuessa by Marcus Licinius Crassus, he reassumes a true leader role, but is constantly tired by Spartacus' constant plots and lack of direct confrontation. They end up into a heated fight after one argument that has to be broken up. As they continue, their ideals continue to crash and effect the whole rebellion to the point where Spartacus sadly believes that Crixus hates him again. Crixus, however, tells him that he does not but is merely tired of the running. They then agree to separate their armies, Spartacus to take to the Alps with Crixus continuing the march to Rome. In their final meeting, they call each other brothers and grasp arms for the last time, before setting off on their own. 

When Spartacus hears of Crixus' death, he becomes enraged and captures Tiberius, the one who killed Crixus, and a clutch of his men and creates a makeshift arena to have a set of funeral games to honor Crixus. He and the other Rebels then hold a funeral pyre for him and shout his name to the heavens.


Agron is one of Spartacus' only friends in the ludus and his second best friend in the series, other than Varro and Duro. He was brought into Batiatus' ludus months before the rebellion began. At first, Agron thought nothing of Spartacus, calling him small, and boasting he could beat him given the chance. But he and Spartacus quickly became best friends, often pairing off together during training. Agron and his brother Duro quickly allied themselves to Spartacus in their plans to escape. Though Agron lost his brother, he became Spartacus' most loyal friend and advisor even if he possessed a hot-headed attitude in the early stages of the rebellion. Nonetheless they remained close friends, Agron was heartbroken at Spartacus' death and after burying, he looked upon Spartacus' grave one last time with a sadden look.


Duro was one of Spartacus' only friends in the ludus and his good friend in the series, other than Varro, Pietros and Agron. Originally, Duro didn't think highly of Spartacus even stating that he and his brother could easily beat the man if given the chance. As time went on, he grew to respect him and along with his brother joined him in rebelling against the romans even though doing so led to his death.


Pietros was one of Spartacus' first people in the ludus to show him kindness other than Varro. When Pietros committed suicide, Spartacus was distraught and attacked Gnaeus before killing him in a blind rage.


When Spartacus arrived at the ludus his relationship with Oenomaus was turbulent. Spartacus was very contrary, he was defiant and often angered Oenomaus. It wasn't until Theokoles was defeated that these two would find a slither of friendship. They also bonded over being in love, but when he discovered Spartacus had drugged him in order to escape the ludus, the turbulance returned. Despite this, before the rebellion took place Spartacus called Oenomaus an honorable man and ordered Agron and Duro not to kill him when they expressed irritation towards the latter.

After the breakout, Oenomaus wanted nothing to do with the rebellion yet he would not work against them either as he informed them of Glaber and his army. He only embraced the cause after learning the truth about Gannicus and his wife, being tortured by Ashur and the Romans and being rescued by Spartacus. He was appointed the task of training the rebels and quickly became recognized as a leader and during this time became something of a mentor to Spartacus. In the battle at Vesuvius, he led the rebels down the mountainside to flank Glaber and his forces and died in this battle.


Gannicus first met Spartacus during the games of Publius Varinius. While under the guise of a Roman soldier, he noticed Gannicus' mark, that of the House of Batiatus. Questioning his morals in killing his brothers, Gannicus responded saying he is the only one who deserves to give them an honorable death. After the fall of the arena Gannicus accompanies, the Rebels to the temple for the sole purpose of having words with Oenomaus. Gannicus originally thought little of Spartacus even thinking his cause would lead his group to certain death. The two came to blows when some of the rebels possessions vanished and Gannicus was accused, though the fight was broken up.

Gannicus later joins the rebellion after kidnapping Ilithyia and over time he develops respect for Spartacus. Before the battle with Glaber, Gannicus admitted his respect to Spartacus before acknowledging him as a brother and the two shook hands as a way of symbolizing a friendship between them.

After the battle with Glaber, the two became close friends though Spartacus was put-off by Gannicus' carefree attitude but tolerated it. Spartacus recognized Gannicus' capabilities and wanted him to be a leader in the army along with him and Crixus however, the latter denied it not wanting the responsibilities. Gannicus would also question the length of Spartacus' revenge since all his enemies were dead along with their own wives. Gannicus even related his own past and the emptiness he felt after getting his revenge.



Spartacus first met Nasir following the attack on his dominus' villa. Nasir introduced himself as Tiberius; the name his dominus had given him. That same night, Nasir attempted to kill Spartacus while he and Mira were preparing to sleep together in his former dominus' bed chamber. Spartacus, alongside Crixus and Agron, decided not to kill Nasir, but to teach him, and sparred with him the next day. Nasir began to gain respect for Spartacus, even taking him and the others to the mines of Lucania in order to free Naevia. Following their escape from the mines, the remainder of the group spent the next day trying to escape from Marcus, Ashur and a clutch of Glaber's other men. Nasir helped fight them, eventually being badly wounded by one of the soldiers. Spartacus helped cauterize the wound and carry him to safety.

Lucius Caelius


Naevia and Spartacus never spoke during their time in Batiatus' ludus, with Naevia being Lucretia's body slave and Spartacus being trained as a Gladiator. Spartacus witnessed Naevia being taken away from Batiatus' ludus to be sold to another Roman, as a way to bargain for Batiatus' ascension as an Aedile. After escaping Batiatus' ludus, Spartacus kept his promise to Crixus and helped find Naevia, even choosing Crixus' side over Agron's to find her. Spartacus and the others found Naevia in the Mines of Lucania, and helped her escape, resulting in Crixus and two others being captured and taken back to Capua. While somewhat seeing Naevia as a liability given her week state from the mines and Roman soldiers led by Marcus tracking them down, Spartacus refused to leave Naevia, even at the cost of the other gladiators.



Spartacus never had a full one on one conversation with Castus, and distrusted him from the start due him being a Cilician pirate, but seemed content once the pirates had proven themselves allies following the Battle outside Sinuessa. Spartacus decided to have Castus taken with the rebels instead of killing him once the pirates' betrayal was discovered, leading to Crassus retaking Sinuessa en Valle even though Castus knew nothing of it. Castus gained back Spartacus' trust by helping the rebels in the Battle of Milea Ridge. The last time Castus spoke to Spartacus was when he informed him that Crassus' army was close by, signaling the rebels to prepare for the final battle. Castus was killed during the battle


Quintus Lentulus Batiatus

After Spartacus killed four of Solonius' gladiators in the Arena, Batiatus purchased Spartacus in an effort to hold favor with Claudius Glaber,

Gaius Claudius Glaber


Marcus Licinius Crassus

Gaius Julius Caesar


List of Appearances

Historical Context

Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator who, along with Gauls Crixus and Oenomaus, a Roman Castus, and a Celt Gannicus, was one of the slave leaders in the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Historical accounts vary and often contradict each other, but most agree that he was an accomplished military leader, and perhaps served in the Roman army, which gave him an understanding on how Roman troops moved and fought.  Although he may not have started the rebellion he was one of the three gladiators chosen by the rebels to lead.

Plutarch, Appian and Florus all claim that


The only surviving contemporary artwork showing Spartacus. It likely depicts a mounted gladiator match. It was discovered on the wall of what was likely a tavern in the ruins of Pompeii. The rider on the white horse is named Spartaks (read right to left). His opponent is named "Felix the Pompeian".

Spartacus died during the battle,and most historians agree with this notion, although Appian reports that his body was never found. Some sources say that his body was so mutilated during the battle that it was urecognisable; so his body was never found.

Historically there was little indication that Spartacus intended to revolutionize Roman culture or abolish slavery, which was a common practice aross nearly every culture in the world at the time.  It is also not known if he ever intended to truly attack the city of Rome itself; some Roman historians stated that he did but this may just have been a reflection of their fears.

Spartacus' name (also known as Sportokos in Greek) was the name used by Thracian kings, so Spartacus himself may have been of royal descent. The name Spartacus is actually a latinized version of the name.

Because of his knowledge in Roman tactics and general leadership, it's possible he was a Roman commander himself, not only a part of the auxiliary.

A few sources say that Spartacus was a supporter of Mithridates and may have even been a soldier of Cornelius Sulla during the Social War. He may have led his army not as a slave rebellion, but as civil support to Mithridates from within Italy.

Plutarch describes Spartacus as a "Thracian of nomadic stock". Its not quite certain what Plutarch meant by that. The Thracians were generally sedentary as a culture. It could be the the Maedi had elements within their own tribe that were of Scythian origin. Alternately, it could mean that they had long since intermarried with the Celts whom migrated from central Europe and settled in Thrace two hundred years earlier. Or a third possibility could be that the Maedi were originally from elsewhere, and were allowed to settle the region by the more powerful Odrysians, and stood in a buffer region between them and their Macedonian neighbours.

Killed Victims


Spartacus appears as one of the major characters in Spartacus: Swords and Ashes and Spartacus: Morituri.

Video Games

  • In the Spartacus: Blood and Sand iPhone game, Spartacus is one of the playable characters. He fights with a sword and shield, and wears a helmet (beneath which he physically resembles actor Andy Whitfield).
  • Spartacus was playable in the now defunct Facebook game, Spartacus: The Game, and appeared as a possible temporary unit in Spartacus: Vengeance The Game, another discontinued Facebook game.
  • In the game Spartacus Legends, Spartacus is playable in the tutorial, and is the Legendary CPU opponent in the Arena level.


  • Andy Whitfield, the actor who played Spartacus in the 1st season, was 180cm (5'11") tall and 85kg (187 lbs) heavy.
  • Liam McIntyre, the actor who plays Spartacus in the 2nd and 3rd season, is 186cm (6'2") tall and 85kg (187 lbs) heavy.
    • Andy left the series because of health problems. He died on the 11th of September 2011 in Sydney, of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • In the series, Spartacus is a name given to him by Batiatus, after his unexpected victory in the arena during the first episode. Spartacus' real name was never revealed. 
  • Spartacus and Gnaeus are the only two Gladiators who changed their styles in the series (although in some episodes, Varro is seen training as a hoplomachus, instead of a murmillo).
    • It is claimed on one of the Blu-ray commentaries that Spartacus was switched from Thraex style to Dimachaeri style in the show primarily because he would no longer need to wear a helmet when fighting in the arena, thus allowing them to show their star's face more.
  • The friendship between Spartacus and Varro appeared authentic because during the series, actors Andy Whitfield and Jai Courtney became close friends in real life, and remained so until Whitfield's death.
  • After Varro's death in Blood and Sand Spartacus never smiles again for the rest of the season. 
  • Spartacus never learns it was Ilithyia who masterminded the death of Varro. 
  • Spartacus does not seem to truly love Mira as when he kills Glaber, pictures of Mira are not included in his flashback, though it is possible that he did love Mira and was able to clear his mind of her due to already avenging her with Salvius' death. He also remarks that despite the emptiness in his heart, her prescence provided him a measure of happiness. In Enemies of Rome, while speaking to Gannicus, Mira is not included.
    • However she is included in the extended scene in the DVD release.
    • He also mentions Mira in The Dead and the Dying when calling fallen friends, and remembers her when attacking Crassus in Victory.
  • Spartacus avenges both of his lovers at the same time by killing Salvius (thereby avenging Mira's death) only moments before he kills Glaber (who Spartacus holds responsible for Sura's fate).
  • Both Spartacus and Crixus have children that die; Crixus killed his own in Blood and Sand, and Lucretia killed Spartacus' son, via suicide, in Vengeance. Coincidentally, both involved Lucretia in some manner.
    • Spartacus and Crixus also have a grudge against a Praetor: Spartacus against Glaber for condemning him and his wife to slavery, and Crixus against Varinius for being responsible for Acer and Rhaskos' death.
    • Spartacus and Crixus are the only gladiators of the House of Batiatus who laid with high-class Roman women and made them pregnant.
  • Spartacus (presumably) died in 71 BC at age 38, and Julius Caesar would have been 29, however, historically, they never actually crossed paths.
  • Spartacus has killed more characters than anyone else.
    • He has never killed any women; he tried to kill Ilithyia twice, though.
  • He, alongside Gannicus have had the most lovers in the show. Gannicus with MelittaMarciaSaxa and Sibyl (alongside many other women) and Spartacus with Sura, Mira, Ilithyia and Laeta (along with many other women from his womanizing days).
    • Interestingly enough, both have many things in common; they both fought in the style of Dimaechari, view one of their lovers as their true love, hold strong morality, had a rivalry with Crixus and have been hailed as the greatest gladiators of their time. The two have also become one another's closest friend and confidant as they progress throughout the Third Servile War.
    • Spartacus, like Gannicus, has experience in Pankration.
  • Spartacus was the twenty-fourth and final main character to be killed.
    • Spartacus, like Crixus, has been struck by a spear in the back after besting, and trying to kill a Roman leader; Spartacus tried to kill Crassus and Crixus tried to kill Caesar, only to be speared from behind.
    • Both Crixus' and Spartacus' deaths were avenged when Kore fatally stabbed Tiberius, who beheaded Crixus, and when Agron, Nasir, Lydon and another unnamed rebel killed the three Roman soldiers that speared Spartacus from behind, eventually causing his death.
    • Spartacus is the last character seen to die on screen.
  • In the Blu-Ray featurette 'Andy Gets Plastered', it is revealed that Andy Whitfield had to have an entire body cast made. This was so that when Spartacus recieved new cuts, they could track how they should look throughout the season, as well as so they could track scars, like the one on his upper right chest.
    • The procedure to cast his head involved covering his facial hair with cream, covering his hair with a cap and plastering it down, then covering his entire head in a cold, pink gel that hardened after about 40 minutes.
  • Prior to the Principate/Imperial era of Roman history, the Auxilia, a term for non-Roman servicemen of non-Italian origins, was a motely collection of mercenaries, provinicial-born conscripts and allied military contingents. In the case of Spartacus and his band of fellow Maedi Thracians serving Rome, another term would have been a Numerus, a band of 'barbarian' allies led by their own chieftains.
  • When Spartacus went to war with the Getai in The Red Serpent, he was equipped in the style of a Greek Hoplite with a Corinthian-style helmet and a large circular Hoplon shield, though the first battle scene was a skirmish. On many occasions, Spartacus has shown skill at spear-throwing, so he may have been a Peltast. The combat-style of peltasts is thought to have begun in Thrace, which would make sense in Spartacus' case.
  • In The Red Serpent, Spartacus was present at a council meeting of the Maedi tribe, which would indicate that he was a member of the land-holding warrior class in Thracian society, akin to that of a Greek hoplite. The Maedi were one of the Hellenized southern Thracian tribes who were aligned to the Odrysian Kingdom east of Macedonia.
    • Spartacus is a Thracian from the Maedi tribe. A few hints to this are made in the series. 1) When Spartacus learns he will be playing Rufus to defeat the Madi. 2) His enemies are the Getae.
      • The homeland of the Maedi tribe, Spartacus' country of origin, is located in the modern region of Blagoevgrad Province in south-western Bulgaria, on the banks of the Strymon (Struma) River, between Kresna Gorge and Rupel Pass.
      • The capital settlement of the Thracian Maedi tribe was Iamphorynna (situated between the modern cities of Petrich and Sandanski). Spartacus' home village may have been close by Iamphorynna. The former Macedonian colony of Alexandropolis also lay within Maedi territory.
      • Possible locations of Spartacus' home village in the Maedi lands of Thrace may be on the sites of modern Bulgarian settlements such as Rozhen in the municipality of Sandanski, or the town of Melnik in the Pirin Mountains.
  • A statue of Spartacus now stands in the modern city of Sandanski in Blagoevgrad Province, Bulgaria, due to the municipality being within the historical territory of the Thracian Maedi tribe.
  • As a champion of the House of Batiatus, the Latin term would have been Campionem.
  • As the overall commander of the rebellion during the Third Servile War, Spartacus would have been referred to in Latin as the Dux Ducis, which translates as 'leader of leaders'.

Spartacus' Fights

  • Spartacus Vs Getae: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Roman Soldiers: Victory
  • Spartacus & Sura Vs Getae: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Arcadios, Hoplomachus, Retiarius & Secutor: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus: Defeat
  • Spartacus Vs Kerza (practice battle): Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus 2: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Kerza 2 (practice battle): Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Gladiator (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Hamilcar (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Varro (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus (brawl): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus 3: Defeat
  • Spartacus Vs Myrmex: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Pit fighter: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Pit fighter: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Mytilus: Victory
  • Spartavus Vs Ixion: Victory
  • Spartacus VS Crixus vs Theokoles: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Oenomaus: No Victor
  • Spartacus Vs Seven Thracians: Victor
  • Spartacus Vs Multiple Gladiators: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus 4: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Varro 2 (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Rhaskos (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus & Varro Vs Multiple Gladiators: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Varro 3: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Agron (practice battle): No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Solonius: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Glaber's Soldiers: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Rhaskos(practice Battle):No victor
  • Spartacus Vs Crixus 5: No Victor
  • Spartacus & Escaped Gladiators vs Roman Nobles and Soldiers: Victory
  • Spartacus vs Batiatus: Victory

  • Spartacus & Band of Rebels Vs Seppius' Men 1: Victory
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Armenius Brothel: Victory
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Romans in the Market: No Victor
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Roman Guards: Victory
  • Spartacus y Crixus Forces Vs
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Roman Militia: Victory
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Mine group of workers: Victory
  • Spartacus & Crixus Forces Vs Glaber's Soldiers in the mines: No Victor
  • Spartacus & Band of Rebels in the forest: Victory with heavy casualties
  • Spartacus & Agron Vs Multiple Romans and Gladiators: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Gannicus: No Victor:
  • Spartacus & Agron Vs Romans at Neapolis: Victory
  • Spartacus & Oenomaus Vs German Recruits: Victory
  • Spartacus Vs Sedullus: Victory
  • Spartacus, Crixus, Gannicus, & Agron Vs Glaber & Ashurs' Men: No Victor
  • Spartacus & The Rebel Army Vs Varinius: Victory
  • Spartacus & The Rebel Army Vs Glaber 1: Defeat
  • Spartacus & band of rebels Vs Roman forces: No Victor
  • Spartacus & The Rebel Army Vs Glaber 2: Victory

  • Quotes

    "I wish I were a thousand men." [4]
    Spartacus to Sura

    "I believe in opportunity and the power of reason to seize upon it."[5]
    Spartacus to Varro

    "Your net's aim is remarkably true Gnaeus! You strike an impressive figure ... Battling that little wooden man. I long to see you in the Arena. Among the men. There you are with your fierce net, like a young, wet girl."[6]
    Spartacus to Gnaeus

    "Tell me I do not look like I have been shit from a boar's ass like you."[7]
    Spartacus to Kerza

    - Spartacus, to the Arena of Capua

    "Pull head from ass and use it for once."[8]
    Spartacus to Varro

    "If you value your life, never wake a gladiator."[8]
    Spartacus to Mira

    "Yes, Dominus. I am myself again." [9]
    Spartacus to Batiatus

    "There's but one path-–we kill them all."[2]
    Spartacus to Agron and Duro

    "I have done this thing because it is just. Blood demands blood! We have lived and lost at the whims of our masters for too long. I would not have it so. I would not see the passing of a brother for the purpose of sport! I would not see another heart ripped from chest, or breath forfeit for no cause! I know not all of you wished this, yet it is done. It is done. Your lives are your own, forge your own path, or join with us, and together we shall see Rome tremble!"[3]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "Shackle will be struck from every slave upon our path. We will see our numbers grow... and when they have become legion, we will face Glaber and the hordes of Rome again, and the Gods will weep for their suffering."[10]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "A lie. For the greater good." (punches Agron in the jaw) "One that would NEVER have passed lips, had it been your brother Duro in her place! If a single life holds no value, then NONE are of worth!"
    Spartacus chastising Agron and Nasir over concealing the truth about Naevia

    "I've had my fill of games. Let us leave this arena forever."[11]
    Spartacus to Mira

    "I know fear swells within your breast, and it does so with great cause. The Romans hold numbers far outweighing our own; yet they have revealed, time and again fatal flaw. That they believe: the Roman way, is the only one. Just as they believe there is only one way to leave this mountain. We shall teach them that we forge our own paths, and nothing in this world is impossible-–when heart and mind are put towards it... Let us begin a lesson forever remembered... we are all Gods this night, and the Romans, WILL FEEL OUR WRATH!"[12]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "The Roman finally learns his place before us-–on his knees."[12]
    Spartacus to Glaber

    "Let Rome send their legions. We will face them, and see all follow Glaber in death."[13]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "I could not save my wife, but I can fight to see a day when no innocent life is so easily disregarded; a day when the Romans and their cruelty is but a distant memory." [14]
    Spartacus to Gannicus

    "We have had our fill of blood and vengeance this night. No Roman that yet lives shall suffer further harm. The city is ours!"[15]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "It's been a lifetime since I last stood gladiator. Title and purpose I never desired. Rome forced such upon me and many of my brothers. And this night... we shall return favor! Let us show the son of Crassus and his men what we have learned beneath the heel of their mighty Republic. And in such lesson, honor the dead with Roman blood!"[16]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "This night hearts lift in joyous reunion with those thought lost to us. Fathers. Brothers and sisters. Sons and lovers. Hold them close for the shadow of Rome is upon us! We hall seek our destiny together. Whatever the cost. Yet let us not pass from memory those left absent from our arms. Those who sacrificed their lives so that all may live free!"[16]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "Split heavens with the sound of his name! Let it carry to Crassus and Pompey as distant thunder promising storm and blood! All those who are able shall make final stand against Rome. And this I promise you. We will live free... or join our brothers in death!"[16]
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "My friends. The time of our parting has come. Know that you will be heavy upon thought when we face Crassus and his legions. Many of us will fall. There remains strategy nor deception that can bend course of inevitable fate. Yet know that our blood... shall purchase needed opportunity for you to gain mountain paths, beyond snapping jaws of Rome that have plagued us with death... and misery. Part ways. And live free."
    Spartacus to Rebels

    "Spartacus... that is not my name. I shall finally hear it again; Given voice by loving wife in greeting longed for."[17]
    Spartacus to Laeta

    "Whatever happens to my people it happens because we choose for it. We decide our fates. Not you. Not the Romans. Not even the Gods."
    Spartacus to Crassus

    "Soon Crassus will give command and we shall face his legions in open battle. We stand in the shadow of greater might. As their Republic cast across the lives of every man, every woman and every child condemned to the darkness of slavery. Forced to toil and suffer, so that those of coin and position may see their fortunes grow beyond need or purpose. Let us teach them that all who draw breath are of equal worth! And those who seek to place heel upon the throat of liberty shall fall to the cry of freedom!"[17]
    Spartacus'  final speech to his army

    "Do not shed tear.......there is no greater victory than to fall from this world a free man." [17]
    Spartacus to Agron; his last words




    1. Missio
    2. 2.0 2.1 Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 12
    3. 3.0 3.1 Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 13
    4. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 1
    5. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 6
    6. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 3
    7. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 4
    8. 8.0 8.1 Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 9
    9. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 11
    10. Spartacus: Vengeance Season 2; Episode 1
    11. Spartacus: Vengeance Season 2; Episode 5
    12. 12.0 12.1 Spartacus: Vengeance Season 2; Episode 10
    13. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 2; Episode 10
    14. Spartacus: War of the Damned Season 3; Episode 1
    15. Spartacus: War of the Damned Season 3; Episode 2
    16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Spartacus: War of the Damned Season 3; Episode 9
    17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Spartacus: War of the Damned Season 3; Episode 10